ASPIRA Nursing Team » Medications at School Policy Information

Medications at School Policy Information

Many students have a medical condition that requires them to take medication during the school day regularly or for a short period of time. The school nurse can give these medications and watch for any side effects or other complaints.


The school nurse will need a MED 1 form completed by the medical provider and signed by the parent before any medication/ treatment can be given at school. Medication orders are required for both prescription as well as over-the-counter medications.


All medication brought to school must have a pharmacy prescription label. This label must include the student's name, the medication name, and the instructions for administration.


Children with diabetes, asthma, seizures, severe allergies or any other medical condition that might be life-threatening and who have emergency medications from their doctors should have access to the emergency medication both at home and school.

Physicians and parents can decide together if the child is ready to carry their emergency medication (such as an inhaler) or if it should be stored in the nurse’s office.


The school nurse cannot give any medicine that is expired.


At the end of the school year, you will be asked to pick-up extra medicine. The school nurse will throw out any medicine left in the clinic at the end of the school year.