Our Schools » Olney Charter High School Board Minutes and Information

Olney Charter High School Board Minutes and Information

Board Members


Roger Zepernick, School Board Chair - Contact Chair


Ester Roche-Curet, Vice Chair - Contact Member


Angelica Martinez, Secretary - Contact Member


Anita Colon, Board Member - Contact Member



Olney Charter High School


June 20, 2024


  1. Opening
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of pending board minutes
  4. Approval of Resolutions
  5. Board By Laws
  6. Closed Session (if needed)
  7. New/Old Business
  8. Community Comments
  9. Adjournment

* Requires Board Vote




Olney Charter High School


May 13, 2024

1. Call to Order
a. Roll Call
2. Approval of Agenda*
3. Approval of Minutes*
4. Board Resolutions
5. Executive Session (if necessary)
6. Public Comment
7. Adjournment
* Requires Board Vote






Olney Charter High School


March 11, 2024

1. Call to Order
a. Roll Call
2. Finance Report
3. Board Resolutions
4. Executive Session (if necessary)
5. Public Comment
6. Adjournment
* Requires Board Vote




Olney Charter High School


March 13, 2023

1. Call to Order
a. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda*
3. Approval Board Meeting Minutes*
4. Board Resolutions*
5. Executive Session (if necessary)*
6. New Business (if necessary)
7. Old Business (if necessary)
8. Public Comment
9. Adjournment
* Requires Board Vote




Olney Charter High School


December 28, 2022

1. Call to Order
a. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda*
3. 2022 School Financial Audit*
4. Executive Session (if necessary)
5. Public Comment
6. Adjournment
* Requires Board Vote




Olney Charter High School


December 12, 2022


1. Call to Order
a. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda*
3. Audit Report*
4. Legal Report*
5. Executive Session (if necessary)
6. Old/New Business (if necessary)
7. Public Comment
8. Adjournment
* Requires Board Vote





Olney Charter High School


November 14, 2022



1. Call to Order
a. Roll Call
b. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes
4. Finance Report
a. Approval of Management Company Invoices
b. Approval of Legal Invoices
5. Legal Resolutions (if necessary)

6. Executive Session (if necessary)

7. Old/New Business

8. Public Comment

9. Adjournment





Olney Charter High School


October 24, 2022

1. Executive Session - The Board has scheduled an Executive Session to discuss
personnel matters and confidential legal matters with its counsel.
2. Call to Order
a. Roll Call
b. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Adoption of the Agenda
4. Resolution to Approve the Sale of Olney Daycare Equipment to Aspira Inc. of Pa.
5. Resolution to Approve 2022-2023 Budget
6. Resolution to Approve Vendor Payments through September 2022
7. Resolution to Approve Payment of Invoices to McKenna Snyder LLC
8. Resolution to Approve Payment of Invoices to Jack Pund and Associates
9. Resolution to Approve Settlement Agreement with Aspira, Inc. of Pa.
10. Resolution to Approve Katherine Meehan, Esquire to continue as conflicts
11. Approval of Minutes
12. Adjournment



Olney Charter High School


September 26, 2022


1. Call To Order

a. Welcome

b. Roll Call

2. Approval of the Agenda*

3. New Board Member Nominations

4. Election of New Board Members*

5. Swearing in of New Board Members

6. Election of New Board Officers*

7. Approval of Pending Board Minutes*

8. Finance Report

  1. Financials through June 30, 2022
  2. Invoices to be paid*
  • Management company Invoices through June 30, 2022*

  • Legal Invoices through June 30, 2022*

9. Human Resources Report*

10. Legal Counsel Report (if necessary)

11. Public Comment

12. Old/New Business

13. Executive Session (if necessary)

14. Adjournment





Olney Charter High School


August 8, 2022


a) Approval of meeting agenda 
b) Approval of board minutes
c) Board nominations
d) Election of board members
e) Swearing in of board members
f) Election of officers
g) Executive Session
h) Approval of CEO separation agreement
i) Board Retreat Date
j) New Business
k) Public Comments
l) Adjournment




Olney Charter High School


July 12, 2022


1. Call to Order
a. Roll Call
b. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Adoption of the Agenda
3. Public Comment
4. Election of Officers for the unexpired portion of the vacated terms
a. Chairperson
b. Vice-Chairperson
c. Treasurer
d. Secretary
5. Old/New Business
6. Adjournment

The Board has scheduled an Executive Session following this Special meeting to
discuss personnel matters and confidential legal matters with its counsel.





Olney Charter High School


June 23, 2022, Recessed

June 29, 2022, Reconvened


1. Call To Order
a. Roll Call
b. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Swearing in of new Board Members
3. Approval of the Agenda
CONSENT items 4-10
4. Resolution to accept the resignation of Jennifer Albandoz with gratitude and
thanks for her years of service
5. Resolution to accept the resignation of Fred Ramirez with gratitude and thanks
for his years of service
6. Resolution to approve 2022-2023 Budget
7. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding regarding the possible transition
8. Resolution to approve Financial Report and all vendor payments including
ASPIRA, Inc. of PA
9. Resolution Approving JLP and Associates LLC Invoices
10. Resolution Approving McKenna Snyder LLC Invoices
11. Resolution of Approvals for Sage Intacct and Bill.com
12. Resolution Approving Jack Pund, Esq. of JLP & Associates LLC as Finance
Trustee for the Charter School, effective July 1, 2022 if necessary if the Stay is
not granted by Commonwealth Court or other tribunals
13. Resolution authorizing McKenna Snyder LLC to file a Receivership in Orphans
Court for the Charter School, if necessary if the Stay is not granted by
Commonwealth Court or other tribunals
14. Resolution Approving Signatory
15. Approval of Disposal of Surplus Property Policy
16. Public Comment
17. Old/New Business
18. Adjournment
19. Executive Session





Olney Charter High School


June 23, 2022

1. Call To Order
a. Roll Call
b. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Swearing in of new Board Members
3. Approval of the Agenda
CONSENT items 4-13
4. Resolution to accept the resignation of Jennifer Albandoz with gratitude and
thanks for her years of service
5. Resolution to accept the resignation of Fred Ramirez with gratitude and thanks
for his years of service
6. Resolution to approve Management Agreement with ASPIRA Inc of
7. Resolution to approve 2022-2023 Budget
8. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding regarding the possible transition
9. Approval of the Non-Board Settlement Agreement, NLRB Case No. 04-BC-
10. Resolution to approve Financial Report and all vendor payments with the
exception of ASPIRA, Inc. of PA
11. Resolution to approve payments to ASPIRA, Inc. of PA for services provided
12. Resolution Approving JLP and Associates LLC Invoices
13. Resolution Approving McKenna Snyder LLC Invoices
14. Resolution of Approvals for Sage Intacct and Bill.com
15. Call for Public Comment
16. Old/New Business
17. Adjournment
18. Executive Session





Olney Charter High School


June 20, 2022

1. Call To Order
a. Roll Call
b. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Swearing in of new Board Members
CONSENT items 4-13
4. Resolution to accept the resignation of Jennifer Albandoz with gratitude and
thanks for her years of service
5. Resolution to accept the resignation of Fred Ramirez with gratitude and thanks
for his years of service
6. Resolution to approve Management Agreement with ASPIRA Inc of
7. Resolution to approve 2022-2023 Budget
8. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding regarding the possible transition
9. Approval of the Non-Board Settlement Agreement, NLRB Case No. 04-BC-
10. Resolution to approve Financial Report and all vendor payments with the
exception of ASPIRA, Inc. of PA
11. Resolution to approve payments to ASPIRA, Inc. of PA for services provided
12. Resolution Approving JLP and Associates LLC Invoices
13. Resolution Approving McKenna Snyder LLC Invoices
14. Call for Public Comment
15. Old/New Business
16. Adjournment
17. Executive Session




Olney Charter High School


June 7, 2022


1. Call To Order
a. Roll Call
b. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Resolution approving Board Meeting Minutes for May 9, 2022.
4. Resolution to accept the resignation of Jennifer Albandoz with gratitude and
thanks for her years of service
5. Resolution to accept the resignation of Fred Ramirez with gratitude and thanks
for his years of service
6. Resolution to approve new board members
7. Resolution to approve Management Agreement with ASPIRA Inc of
8. Resolution to approve 2022-2023 Budget
9. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding regarding the possible transition
10. Approval of the Non-Board Settlement Agreement, NLRB Case No. 04-BC-
11. Resolution to approve Financial Report and all vendor payments with the
exception of ASPIRA, Inc. of PA
12. Resolution to approve payments to ASPIRA, Inc. of PA for services provided
13. Resolution Approving JLP and Associates LLC Invoices
14. Resolution Approving McKenna Snyder LLC Invoices
15. Call for Public Comment
16. Old/New Business
17. Adjournment
18. Executive Session




Olney Charter High School


May 9, 2022



  1. Call To Order
    1. Roll Call
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Resolution approving Board Meeting Minutes for April 25, 2022.
  4. Motion to approve 2022-2023 Budget 
  5. Motion to approve IRS form 990
  6. Approval of Financial Report and all vendor payments with the exception of ASPIRA, Inc. of PA
  7. Approval of payments to ASPIRA, Inc. of PA for services provided
  8. Resolution Approving JLP and Associates LLC Invoices
  9. Resolution Approving McKenna Snyder LLC Invoices
  10. Call for Public Comment
  11. Old/New Business
  12. Adjournment
  13. Executive Session




Olney Charter High School


March 14, 2022

1. Call To Order
a. Roll Call
b. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Resolution approving Board Meeting Minutes for January 10, 2022.
4. Approval of Financial Report and all vendor payments with the exception of
ASPIRA, Inc. of PA
5. Approval of payments to ASPIRA, Inc. of PA for services provided
6. Resolution Approving JLP and Associates LLC Invoices
7. Resolution Approving McKenna Snyder LLC Invoices
8. Resolution Approving Appeal to Commonwealth Court
9. Call for Public Comment
10. Old/New Business
11. Adjournment
12. Executive Session




Olney Charter High School


November 15, 2021

1.    Call To Order
        a.    Roll Call
        b.    Pledge of Allegiance
2.    Approval of the Agenda
3.    Approval of August 9, 2021, and September 20, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
4.    Financial Report
        a.    FY2020-21 audit report for approval
        b.    Board financial package as of 9/30/2021 including operating budget and CARES Act II budget
        c. July - September 2021 check registers with payment over $5K
        d. September 2021 management company invoice
5.    Legal Report
        a.    Memorandum of Recusal
        b.    Affidavit of the Board President
        c.    Resolution Approving and Ratifying Board Meeting Minutes
        d.    Resolution Approving Board President Affidavit
        e.    Resolution Approving Payment of Invoices - JLP & Assoc
        f.    Resolution Approving Payment of Invoices - McKenna Law
       g.    Resolution Approving Payment of Invoices - ASPIRA Inc. of PA
       h.    Resolution Approving Payment of Invoices – Vendors
6.    Chief Academic Officer Report
7.    HR Report 
8.    Vacancy Report for August 2021
9.    Board President’s Report 
10.    Principal’s Report 
11.    Call for Public Comment
12.    Old/New Business
13.    Adjournment
14.    Executive Session




Olney Charter High School 

September 20, 2021 

  1. Call To Order
    1. Roll Call
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Welcome
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Public Comment
  4. Spotlight on Recognitions
  5. Approval of August 9, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
  6. Chief Academic Officer Report
  7. CEO and Staff Reports
  8. Board Committee Reports
  9. Resolution Approving Vaccination of Staff Policy
  10. Financial Report
  11. Approval of Financial Report and all vendor payments with the exception of ASPIRA, Inc. of PA
  12. Approval of payments to ASPIRA, Inc. of PA for services provided
  13. Legal Report
  14. Resolution Approving JLP and Associates LLC Invoices
  15. Resolution Approving McKenna Snyder LLC Invoices
  16. Resolution approving CLA
  17. Chief Academic Officer Report
  18. HR Report 
  19. Board President’s Report 
  20. Principal’s Report 
  21. Call for Public Comment
  22. Old/New Business
  23. Adjournment
  24. Executive Session
Click Below to Download The Code Of Ethics and Bylaws for OCHS